Your 6 week personalized plan to create peace in your life, your family, and your business

God has placed you in this season of motherhood for a reason. You have the power to create a life that glorifies Him, reduces chaos, and fills your home with peace.

Sound familiar?

✔️ You are constantly rushing from one event to the next, barely able to catch your breath?

✔️ Guilt is always there no matter what you do, you always feel like you are failing someone

✔️ You are in constant react mode.

If any of these resonate with you, you're not alone. Take the first step toward a more peaceful, intentional life. Join the Peaceful Mom Collective today!

What's Included

Live Weekly Coaching Sessions

Weekly 1-hour group coaching calls to provide guidance and support.

On-Demand Support

Access to a private group for ongoing support and encouragement.


You will receive reminders, support, and feedback as you implement the principles.


Your personal workbook has checklists, exercises, and next steps to help you can put into action what you are learning.

At the end of the 6 weeks you will have

◦ Clear Priorities: Clarity on what truly matters in your life, allowing you to focus on those things.

◦ Life Inventory: A comprehensive understanding of what’s working and what’s not.

◦ Effective Rhythms: Daily and weekly routines that support a peaceful and fulfilling life.

◦ Strong Boundaries: Tools to eliminate, reduce, or delegate tasks that don’t align with your priorities.

◦ A Supportive Community: Connection with other like-minded moms who share your faith and values.

◦ A Deep Sense of Peace: Experience the peace of God, knowing you are a cherished daughter of the King.

Who is this for.

  • Moms seeking a deeper connection with God

  • Moms who are ready to do the work to create peace in their lives.

  • Those who want to prioritize what matters most in their lives.

  • Mothers looking for a supportive community to share their journey

Who this is NOT for.

  • Perfect moms

  • Moms who have it all together

  • Those unwilling to invest time in their personal and spiritual growth.

  • Individuals looking for a quick fix without committing to change.

Build a foundation that honors God and brings peace to your home.

You may still be wondering

What if I can't make a live coaching session?

No worries! All sessions will be recorded and available for you to watch at your convenience.

How much time should I expect to commit each week?

Besides the 1-hour live coaching call, plan for an additional 1-2 hours for workbook activities and engaging with the private group.

What kind of support will I get from the private group?

You'll receive continuous support, encouragement, and accountability from both the coach and fellow group members.

I am not a mom, could I benefit?

Absolutely! While this program is geared towards moms the principles in the program can be used by anyone.

Don't let the chaos and stress of motherhood steal your joy. Join the Peaceful Mom Collective and discover the tools you need to create a serene, purpose-driven life for you and your family.